Microsoft Technology Associate Developer (choose one)
Exam 98-361/Course 40361A Software Development Fundamentals (3 days)
• Candidates for this exam are seeking to prove core software development skills.
• It is recommended that candidates be familiar with the concepts of and have hands-on experience with the technologies
described here either by taking relevant training courses or by working with tutorials and samples available on MSDN and
in Microsoft Visual Studio.
• Candidates are expected to have some experience with C# or Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.

Exam 98-375/Course 40375A HTML5 App Development Fundamentals (3 days)
• Candidates for this exam are seeking to prove core HTML5 client application development skills that will run on today's
touch-enabled devices (PCs, tablets, and phones).
• Although HTML is often thought of as a web technology that is rendered in a browser to produce a UI, this exam focuses on
using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to develop client applications.
• Before taking this exam, candidates should have solid foundational knowledge of the topics outlined in the preparation
guide, including CSS and JavaScript.
• It is recommended that candidates be familiar with the concepts of and have some hands-on experience with the related
technologies, either by taking relevant training courses or by working with tutorials and samples available on MSDN and in
Microsoft Visual Studio.
Exam 98-380/MVA Course 380 Introduction to Programming with Block-Based Languages
• Candidates for this exam should understand algorithmic flow and implementing common program control structures.
• Candidates should have experience with block-based programming languages such as the Touch Develop environment
from Microsoft, MIT Scratch, and Google Blockly.
• Candidates are expected to have some hands-on experience designing, creating, and publishing code within a block-based
programming language.